How did we get there...

Empowering Device potential for application went beyond the situations in which had to apply only the phenomenon of cavitation...

After the prototype phase, which lasted several years, we started carrying out the first field tests with customers using the specimens of the first industrial line in test configuration.

In this way we counted on being able to draw inspiration and also benefit from the practical experience gained over the years by the operators of traditional plants.

During a series of tests conducted at customers’ premises, we realized that the EMPOWERING DEVICE could find application in practical cases that were absolutely unthought of either during the design or even less during the tests: in other words, its potential for application went beyond the situations in which had to apply only the phenomenon of cavitation.

We thought we had been meticulous in selecting and describing the various conceivable applications but during the practical tests we realized, almost suddenly, the real extent of the EMPOWERING DEVICE.

To set up the test parameters, we initially based ourselves on the results and then on the settings obtained during the experimental phase carried out with the prototype, also taking into account that the test machines of the first industrial line, at least on paper, would have been around twice as powerful as the prototype. In the light of the facts, compared to the prototype, the power of the machines of the first line proved to be clearly superior and consequently most of the forecast calculations made in the laboratory and in view of the tests proved to be outdated right from the start.

All the initial tests were carried out blindly as we never saw in advance the analyzes of the matrices used for them.

In the first industrial waste treatment center, taken by enthusiasm, we thought it appropriate to try as many matrices as possible, always using the same setting.

The fact that the machine was more powerful than expected led us to subject the wastewater to too long cavitation cycles which ended up triggering other unwanted chemical reactions and therefore did not focus on the cavitation momentum: the moment in which the best treatment results on a given wastewater, using a given configuration and with the lowest possible energy consumption.

In the second industrial waste treatment centre, having found that the results obtained in the first center had not been as brilliant as we expected, despite the fact that the machinery had proved to be extremely more powerful than estimated, we reduced the number of wastes to be tested, carrying out this time on each of them two tests of progressive duration. An inconclusive choice, but one that took another step forward.

The tests conducted on organic-based liquids continued to return decidedly positive results, with percentage variations compared to the as-is, even almost in the 4-digit range.

The turning point for the development was reached during a test of disposal liquids at a private purifier, but always non-organic based, and exceeded during the tests carried out in a third industrial waste treatment center where, by now also aware of the actual potential of the device, the tests were conducted on a single wastewater but taking a sample during the test at the end of the times set in the “recipes” programming. The same test was also repeated at different engine revolutions and adding, or not, ozone. All to have the maximum spectrum of obtainable data.

During this last test battery, a huge quantity of surfactants were isolated and suspended which in reality should not have been present: a sign that the machine had excellently isolated the first component to be eliminated for the subsequent treatment. Even the coloration of the treated wastewater, after just a few seconds, was extremely clarified.

What we still lacked was understanding the best process management dynamics and related accessories to be applied to complete the process itself.

We have finally understood that the EMPOWERING DEVICE does not find its best application if it is simply considered as a cavitator to be added to an already existing process but expresses its maximum when it itself forms the basis for a new, faster and more performing Working process.

Therefore, the first tests on non-organic fluids had gone significantly different from what we expected, not because the machine hadn’t worked but precisely because of its perfect functioning: the parameters of the liquid that everyone expected should undergo the first action of the EMPOWERING DEVICE, given their inorganic nature, could not actually be treated until other values had been “normalised” such as, by way of example only, the total suspended solids.

The EMPOWERING DEVICE therefore functioned, depending on the case, as a flotation unit and particle micronizer, coagulating very small suspended solids, facilitating their subsequent filtration, allowing clarification of the wastewater and thus making subsequent chemical-physical treatments much easier. Other times, however, it has homogenized inhomogeneous waste as best as possible, favoring the subsequent chemical attack carried out with reagents also used for traditional industrial purification but, in this case, consuming only a fraction of the energy required with traditional systems due to the shorter times and smaller spaces.

We were already well aware that the constructive geometry of the EMPOWERING DEVICE made it a perfect pressure diffuser, thus reducing energy consumption. After the tests we realized that the constructive geometry also makes it an excellent mixing system in which even the non-organic elements present in the liquid can be treated with extremely reduced energy consumption and times compared to traditional systems, therefore a valid alternative to large tanks of current systems.

Thanks to the tests carried out, we have therefore identified the momentum, i.e. the “ideal point” of cavitation, of numerous fluids and, also in this case, we have realized that in many cases the fluids could even be treated in “direct drive”, therefore without executing processing cycles but simply entering and exiting the EMPOWERING DEVICE.


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