Furthermore, the forces released by the cavitation process are far greater than those present in normal mixing and, therefore, the results obtained are on enormously higher scales than those normally measurable by the application of traditional technologies.

Controlled cavitation can be applied to all processes of extraction of natural substances and treatment / conservation of emulsions or liquids, without damaging the original active ingredients of the original substance unlike what happens with other conventional methods of extraction, pasteurization and fermentation.

With our equipment we are able to provide an evident economic advantage on all possible chemical processes and therefore on:

  • Process intensification
  • Gas / Liquid Mixing
  • Liquid / Liquid Mixing
  • Liquid / Solid Mixing
  • Hydration of Gels and Rubber
  • Emulsification
  • Homogenization
  • Pasteurization

This is made possible because the alternation between low and high pressure is responsible for an intense mechanical and thermal activity that is exerted on each element present in the solution.

In the presence of organic materials, cavitation results in the consequent partial physical destructuring, a lysis of the cell walls and the consequent release of the intracellular content. This action translates into a greater availability of cellular juices, an acceleration of the hydrolysis processes and, consequently, an acceleration of the anaerobic digestion process as a whole. In this case, the rate of bacterial degradation can accelerate up to over 10 times compared to conventional treatment.

Therefore, the destruction / rupture of cellular structures leads to a marked improvement in the biodegradability of organic matrices.

Our apparatus, in addition to being able to work completely independently, can be easily inserted online in any pre-existing industrial cycle: our apparatus can replace a pre-existing chemical process or multiplies a pre-existingit process by accelerating and strengthening it by over several times.

Having said all this, the areas of application of our apparatus turn out to be all those in which there is the presence of a chemical process of any kind.

The advantage for the users of our machinery can be summarized as follows:

  • cut in production costs;
  • reduction of costs related to the expansion of production;
  • reduction of process times;
  • increase in the quantities of treatable matrix;
  • reduction of costs related to disposal.

With regard to hydration, this thanks to cavitation can be continuous, consistent and competitive, at the same time reducing the amount of matrix necessary to obtain the same desired level of viscosity.

With regard to aeration, this is always uniform with both small and large volumes of gas and, therefore, it is optimal for both viscous liquids and rubber.

With regard to pasteurization and homogenization cavitation prevents the formation of incrustations on the walls of the apparatus, cutting the downtime required for cleaning. Furthermore, the lower degradation of the proteins present allows the lengthening of the storage periods and even the creation of entirely new products.

With regard to emulsification, cavitation prevents the formation of air pockets trapped inside the fluid thus maintaining the quality of the products always constant. In addition, the possibility of continuous processing allows easy control of the degree of emulsification.

chem lab